The Global Positioning System (GPS) Interference and Navigation Tool (GIANT) is a physics-based, constructive and repeatable simulation model that computes Position, Navigation and Timing system performance and its impacts on mission effectiveness (e.g. CEP, Pk) in a benign or electronic contested environment. GIANT includes databases of satellites, receivers, antennas, inertial navigation systems (INS), and emitters, as well as a comprehensive User Manual.
GIANT is accredited for use in the GPS Warfighter Collaboration Cell (GWCC) and is included in the Air Force Standard Analysis Toolkit and Army Space Operations System (SOS). GIANT supports the Distributed Mission Operations Center-Space (DMOC-S), GPS Virtual Flight Test Facility, multiple studies, analyses, and AoAs, ionospheric scintillation, flex power, and GPS jamming range events, and is integrated into a number of other systems.
The GIANT software suite includes a user-friendly graphical interface, data visualization and post-processing tools. The GIANT simulation is a discrete time-stepped simulation that runs much faster than real-time. A typical GIANT simulation run consists of one or more GPS/INS-equipped platforms moving along a route, employing optional air-to-ground or surface-to-surface precision guided munitions against multiple targets, in an electronic environment that includes zero to many GPS interference sources or jammers, and a GPS constellation; area analyses are also supported.
The simulation evaluates electromagnetic signal propagation and visibility using detailed ellipsoid, geoid, and digital terrain models. The resulting geometries and power levels determine the signal environment experienced by the modeled antenna and receiver systems. Antenna, including antenna electronics, and receiver behavior are modeled, ultimately resulting in the calculation of position error as a function of the combined GPS/INS solution at each point along the route. Routes can be combined to produce aggregate or engagement/battle-level performance and effectiveness metrics across multiple routes. Multiple time-based, event-driven performance output files are available and provide a variety of low and high level information.